2019 m. spalio 25 d., penktadienis


Mūsų sąmonė, pasąmonė gali prailginti gyvenimą.
Žmogus gali gyventi tiek, kiek nori.
Mūsų protėviai tai buvo įvaldę.
144 metai anksčiau gyventi buvo norma.

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  1. That has been scientifically proven. Your world consists of soul, mind, and body. Each of them has a unique function. What we can actually see with our eyes and experience with our body is the physical world, which is called the BODY. It is an effect which is created by a cause. And that cause is called THOUGHT.

    The body cannot produce, but it can only experience and be experienced. It is a unique capability. On the other hand, the thoughts cannot experience, but it can only make, as well as create and interpret. It needs a world of relativity in order to be experienced.
    Our soul is everything, the one who gives life thought and body.

    The body has no power to create, even though it gives the illusion that it does. So, this illusion is actually the reason behind so many frustrations. The body is a pure effect, and it has no power to cause, as well as to create.

  2. But, that is neither exact nor complete. It is just an interpretation.

    Every our interpretation is based exclusively on our “inner map” of reality, but not the real truth. Our “map” is also as a result of the collective experience of our personal lives.

    Our thoughts are also associated with this invisible energy and they also determine what form it is going to take. They can change the universe “particle after particle,” creating our 3D life.

    You should look around you.

    Everything that you can see in our physical world starts as an idea that kept growing until it materialized into a physical object through a series of steps.

    You literally turn into your most frequent thoughts.

    Your life has become what you imagined, as well as believed in.

    Our world is literally our mirror which permits us to experience everything that we believe to be true in this 3D plane…until we change it.

    Quantum physics actually tells us that the world is not a constant as it may appear to be. Instead of that, it is a place of a constant motion that our individual and collective thoughts keep building, as well as tearing down and rebuilding. It is a Perpetuum mobile.

    What we actually believe to be true is an illusion which is almost magic.

    Luckily, we begin exposing the illusion and, what is most important we are learning how to change it. Here, we will give you a simple explanation.

    What are the components of our body?

    The human body is comprised of nine systems, which include the circulatory, digestive, endocrine, muscular, nervous, reproductive, respiratory, skeletal and urinary system.

    And, what actually makes these systems?

    Tissues and organs.

    What are tissues and organs made of?


    What actually makes the cells?


    What makes a molecule?


    What makes an atom?

    Sub-atomic particles.

    What makes a subatomic particle?


    So, we are just an energy light in its most beautiful and intelligent configuration. The energy which constantly changes under the surface and all of that it is controlled by our powerful minds.

  3. Without any doubt, the Nobel Prize awardees in physics proved that the physical world is one big ocean of energy which materializes and dematerializes in a split second, over and over again. Nothing in the world is solid. This is the world of quantum physics.

    They have proved that the thoughts are responsible for holding this ever-changing energy field together in the form, as well as the shape of the objects that we know.
